version A: Classroom Chaos, Dungeon Dare, Prelude, The Greatest Show on Earth
version B: Father of Darkness + Murder

Some of the values are only approximate.

version A:
PILOT standard 3223x[2168]
SYNC standard P 667, P 735
  bit 0 = DP 545
  bit 1 = DP 1090
  PARITY BYTE present

The loading routine is a copy of a standard ROM routine with changed timing constans, but not the right way! (#b0->#71, #b2->#71!, #cb->#7e, #16->#11; but the first #b0 is unchanged!) Fortunately the standard scheme is so robust that the loader works despite the bugs.

version B:
PILOT standard 3223x[2168]
SYNC standard P 667, P 735
  bit 0 = DP 461
  bit 1 = DP 886
  PARITY BYTE present

Again the same loading routine as in standard ROM, with only new timing constants (#b0->#5d, #b2->#5c, #cb->#65, #16->#10; again the first #b0 is unchanged).

Updated by José Luis Soler 18/03/2013